
This Space is For....

Originally, this blog was created to share art and creativity.... work I had been doing, artists who have inspired me, projects for others to try, etc.. This past year, a soul shattering event occurred in my life and in the lives of my family, when our darling girl, Sasia, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 25, while sleeping. To say that this has been the most painful and difficult experience of my life, is an enormous understatement. I have learned that it is impossible to imagine the depth of emotional pain and grief that this type of loss brings. It has left a huge hole in my soul, that I feel everyday. This blog has now become a different avenue of expression for me as I share the deeper part of my experience with this loss, and the way that it is now woven into the fabric of my family's everyday lives. In time, I am sure that part of my sharing will be interlaced with artwork, as I feel my way back into artistic expression. For me, Art has always been a joyful expression, and since my daughter's transition into the heavenly realm, I have not felt a strong desire to create. I am just now beginning to experience some stirrings along the artistic lines.... so, in due time, I will be sharing some art. In the meantime, I hope my words here will be inspiring or helpful to others . Namaste.

About Me

My photo
Kirkland, Washington, United States
I strive to be..... loving, kind, spiritual, generous, helpful, intelligent, sharing, sweet, thoughtful, caring, good, inspiring, useful, artistic, and deep. Sometimes I am irritated, impatient, careless, petty, negative, and foolish. I care most about my family, my friends, Spirit, and Love. I am obsessed with good coffee, the sweetness of children,a roaring fire, art in most of its forms, water.... touching, tasting, smelling, hearing and seeing water, roses, miracles, hummingbirds, seeing "signs" from my darling Sasia, being with my family.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Today I Blog

I'm trying out this blogger....going to see if I like it as much as I liked typepad, which cost $$, but I didn't really want to pay for it. I haven't been the most consistent blogger, so to pay for something I was only using sporadically seemed ridiculous. I plan to make a stronger effort to use this one and to post my artwork on the site. I used to keep a paper journal.... for years, actually, so the idea of doing something similar online appeals to me. What is a little bit daunting, is the knowledge that this blog is public, and therefor anyone could potentially read what I have to say... which, in and of itself is not such a big deal, but I also have a strong desire to be completely authentic and honest about what I post here, and there is a natural inclination to be somewhat guarded with such a (potentially) large audience. I guess that's what writers go through all the time. I think that the most touching art and writing is that which is really honest and touches on the human condition that we all are experiencing. So, my effort here will be to expose my life, my art, my thoughts.