
This Space is For....

Originally, this blog was created to share art and creativity.... work I had been doing, artists who have inspired me, projects for others to try, etc.. This past year, a soul shattering event occurred in my life and in the lives of my family, when our darling girl, Sasia, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 25, while sleeping. To say that this has been the most painful and difficult experience of my life, is an enormous understatement. I have learned that it is impossible to imagine the depth of emotional pain and grief that this type of loss brings. It has left a huge hole in my soul, that I feel everyday. This blog has now become a different avenue of expression for me as I share the deeper part of my experience with this loss, and the way that it is now woven into the fabric of my family's everyday lives. In time, I am sure that part of my sharing will be interlaced with artwork, as I feel my way back into artistic expression. For me, Art has always been a joyful expression, and since my daughter's transition into the heavenly realm, I have not felt a strong desire to create. I am just now beginning to experience some stirrings along the artistic lines.... so, in due time, I will be sharing some art. In the meantime, I hope my words here will be inspiring or helpful to others . Namaste.

About Me

My photo
Kirkland, Washington, United States
I strive to be..... loving, kind, spiritual, generous, helpful, intelligent, sharing, sweet, thoughtful, caring, good, inspiring, useful, artistic, and deep. Sometimes I am irritated, impatient, careless, petty, negative, and foolish. I care most about my family, my friends, Spirit, and Love. I am obsessed with good coffee, the sweetness of children,a roaring fire, art in most of its forms, water.... touching, tasting, smelling, hearing and seeing water, roses, miracles, hummingbirds, seeing "signs" from my darling Sasia, being with my family.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Unseen Forces

Every day I experience something new.... each day brings something unexpected.  I lay myself wide open to experience this and pray for strength from unseen forces.... from God, my guides, my lovely girl who is now an angel moving among us.  I gather strength from seen and felt forces, as well; the beautiful hummingbirds that grace our yard, the laughter of children playing in the street outside our home, the hugs, looks of compassion, love, time, words and suppot that come from friends, the understanding that comes from those who have also "lost" a loved one to eternity, and the physical presence of my son and husband.  They are the wind beneath my wings as I fly through the maze of sadness and grief.... through all of this are the miracles.  The synchronistic events that let me know, let us all know that our dear Sasia continues to LIVE on and she is indeed communicating with us in a new and different way.  She has become adept at influencing the birds to visit us, to coordinate the coincidences that show us she is near, at flickering the lights or placing an object in our path.... just to say, "Hi."  Yes, she is here, and as her dear, wise friend Ryan said, "I am just  having to get used to a new relationship with her."

1 comment:

  1. Yes...she IS, just as you ARE...and YES...she CAN and always will, communicate with you ~
